Wing Chun
The Fighting Techniques
author: Igor Dudukchan
translator: Marina Kondratenko
translator: Marina Kondratenko
language: English
The Wing cun - it is a traditional style of the Chinese Kung Fu. The Wing Chun is very popular in the whole world thanks to its hight efficiency application techniques.
In this book, an attempt to consider question related with the theory of passage the fight in the Wing Chun style for transferring the Great Master Yuen Chai Wan (Nguyen Te Cong) was made. The emphasis was made on the detailed description of the techniques and attacks.
This book is available in EPUB format (ebook)
Chapter 1. The basic technique of the defense and counterattack
Chapter 2. the technique of the defence from the combination attacks
Chapter 3. The Attack technique
1. The fundamentals of the theory of attack
2. The technique of the openning of areas
3. Technique of the openning of Attack
Chapter 4. The grab escaping technique
daobook © 2015