The excellent eyesight at any age

The excellent eyesight at any age

The excellent eyesight at any age
The effective exercises to improve the eyesight
author: Alexandr Brazhnik
translator: Marina Kondratenko
language: English
      In this book, the readers’ attention is invited to the improving technique of non-surgical restoration of eyesight. The paper describes the structure of the eye in detail, the theory of the eyesight and its problems. The characteristics of the main types of the problems of eyesight such as: myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, strabismus etc. The effective exercises and methods to correct them are proposed. To facilitate the mastering of the proposed exercises, the book has plenty of tables, illustrations and explanations to them. The book is intended for a wide circle of readers who want to improve their eyesight. The Book has approximately 300 illustrations and tables.
This book is available in EPUB format (ebook)
Chapter 1
Theory of the eyesight and its problems
Theories explaining the mechanism of accommodation
Chapter 2
The preventive and auxiliary exercises for the eyes
Eye relaxation exercises
The exercises for the training the eye muscles
Chapter 3
The forms of the treatment - training exercises for the eyes
Complex (Form) of the exercises for the improvement of the ocular motility
The “Essential eyes” form
Chapter 4
Exercises with the special tables
Chapter 5
Massage for the eyes
Chapter 6
Application of the method of recovery of the eyesight


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